X®-humate Phosphorus Humate Crystal

X®-humate Phosphorus Humate Crystal

Classification: organic fertilizer
Type:Phosphorus Humate Crystal , Phosphorus Humic Acid Crystal
Place of Origin: Hebei, China
State:Crystal 0-1/1-2/0-2mm
Source: high leonardite
  • Description
  • Inquiry



X-humate Phosphorus Humate Crystal

The Phosphorus Humate crystal is extracted from natural leonardite,perfectly combined the nutrition of Phosphorus and Potassium. High content of humic acid maximizes the utilization of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.  With particularly uniform particle size 0-2mm, 1-2mm and 0-1mm and 100% solubility, it can meet various usage functions, such as  soil fertilizer, top dressing, foliar fertilizer, drip irrigation, as well as manual and machine spreading. 




X-humate Phosphorus Humate Crystal Specification:

Item Standard  I Standard II
Humic acid (dry basis) 50%min 50%min
P2O5 (dry basis) 6-8% 8-10%
K2O (dry basis) 8-10% 0%
PH 8-11 8-11
Appearance Crystal (0-2mm,1-2mm, 0-1mm) Crystal (0-2mm,1-2mm, 0-1mm)

X-humate Phosphorus Humate Crystal Function:

  • In phosphorus humate, one of the biggest benefits of humic acid is to increases utility of phosphorus, to decreases the immobilization of phosphorus in soil, and to activates the undissolved phosphorus in soil.
  • Humic acid solves the problem of easy loss of phosphorus fertilizer and low utilization rate. Greatly improve fertilizer utilization and reduce production costs.
  • Humic acid makes root system more developed. 
  • Humic acid has the following functions;  soil conditioner, soil ameliorator, plant growth stimulator, improver of fruit quality improver and fertilizer efficiency.
  • Becomes a multi-functional high efficient compound fertilizer when combined with nitrogen and potassium.
  • Phosphorus makes fruits in brighten colors. such as oranges are more orange. green peppers are more green.
  • Phosphorus make the stems and branches of trees tough, promote the formation of flower buds, make flowers large and colorful


X-humate Phosphorus Humate Crystal Application:

Soil application : 300-600kg/ha; can be used together with other fertilizer.
Foliar fertilizer or drip irrigation: 2-5 Kg / Ha / time, 2-3 times during seedling stage and growth stage


X-humate Phosphorus Humate Crystal Packages:

 Regular package: 20/25kg bags

As customer’s requirements: 650kg/800kg/1000kg jumbo bags, 0.5kg/1kg/5kg/10kg aluminium bags

Liquid package: 1L bottle, 5L bottle, 25kg drum, IBC drum